Minestatus - Top Minecraft Server List

Searching for Terralith Minecraft servers.

Logo Name Server Details
Pyrakia Minecraft Server Icon

A 1.21.4 vanilla server. PVP is enabled, however with the Towny plugin you can control whether or not your areas have PVP on. Anything unclaimed is fair game. Towny has an 18k worldborder and is perfect for those after a server focused on making frie

Players: 0 / 500
Version: BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.21.x
Pioneer Survival Minecraft Server Icon
Pioneer Survival

We built our community around building and economy! The entire server is player made from the spawn to the different jobs, player shops, and admin shop! We strive for a fun, good vibe, place to chill and make some friends!

Players: 0 / 0
Version: Offline
Minecraft Grass Icon
Enhanced Survival

Welcome to the best survival server ever made! In this server, every dimension is overhauled using datapacks. There are almost a hundred new biomes and structures to explore! There are also lots of cool features such as auto-chopping trees, dyeable i

Players: 0 / 0
Version: Offline