Minestatus - Top Minecraft Server List

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We've got answers. If you have some other questions, please send us an email at [email protected]

Is this free?

Yes! 100% free. Always will be. The servers at the top will always be the ones with the most player votes. It's that simple!

How do I add my minecraft server?

Please visit our Add A Server page to add your server.

How can I vote for a server?

Please visit a server page and click the "Vote for this server" button. Enter your minecraft username, and click vote!.

How are servers ranked?

Servers are ranked by votes. It's as simple as that!

Why is my server showing offline?

Your server may not be responding to our ping requests. Please make sure your server is accessible and allowing ping requests (default).

How can I add tags, a youtube trailer, a website link, or voting to my server?

Please visit your profile page, click "Edit" on the server you want to edit, and add details there!

I have not received an email

Please check your spam folder for our email, or send us a message at [email protected]