Minestatus - Top Minecraft Server List

Searching for Reforged Minecraft servers.

Logo Name Server Details
AuroraPixel Minecraft Server Icon

Aurorapixel is back, and better than ever! Come join us!

Players: 0 / 0
Version: Offline
Minecraft Grass Icon

PixelmonCraft Pixelmon Reforged Minecraft Server Are you a fan of Minecraft? Are you a fan of Pokemon? Then you are in the right place! Pixelmoncraft combines the two and on our player friendly server you can catch pokemon, compete with friends, f

Players: 0 / 0
Version: Offline
PokeMayhem Network Minecraft Server Icon
PokeMayhem Network

* Pixelmon: Reforged 8.1.2 * Pixelmon: Generations 8.3.0 * Minecraft Forge: 1.12.2 ##Brand New Features: [BossDungeons]-[Raids]-[PlayerShops]-[Cosmetics]-[and More!] ---- ## How to Play Reforged Technic: https://goo.gl/6KfhV1 required for ou

Players: 0 / 999
Version: forge arclight 1.16.5
Minecraft Grass Icon

Terria-Craft is a pixelmon server centered around the player experience! The staff team and I have spent countless hours looking into every plugin we have, and balancing enhancing purchases made thru our donor store. If you are looking for an excitin

Players: 0 / 0
Version: Offline