Minestatus - Top Minecraft Server List

Searching for Pokemon Minecraft servers.

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Minecraft Grass Icon

BLASTMC Asia is an idea by a group of friends in the Philippines who are dedicated to playing Minecraft. Our goal is to be the Top Minecraft Server in Asia by giving a new generation of Minecraft players a home to play and safe place to make memories

Players: 0 / 69
Version: forge arclight 1.16.5
Minecraft Grass Icon

Gohara is a completely customized map that you can explore and live in with your pokemon. We offer two different leagues for players to battle as well as these features: +Custom starter selection [Dark, Psychic, Ghost], Events, FusionPixelmon, Build

Minecraft Grass Icon
BlastMC Cobblemon

BlastMC Delivers you quality cobblemon gameplay. It is also the first Public Cobblemon Server in Asia.

Players: 0 / 0
Version: Offline
PokeBalta Türk Pixelmon 1.16.5 Pokemon Sunucusu Minecraft Server Icon
PokeBalta Türk Pixelmon 1.16.5 Pokemon Sunucusu

Sevgili PokeBalta ailesi! Sizi uzun bir bekleyişin ardından heyecan verici haberlerle buluşturmak için sabırsızlanıyoruz! Yepyeni sezonumuz kapıda ve getirdiğimiz yeniliklerle sizi bir kez daha büyüleyeceğimize eminiz. İşte sizin için hazırladığımız

Minecraft Grass Icon

PokeSky to jeden z pierwszych na świecie serwerów Pokemon bez modów. Jako pierwsi w Polsce zdecydowaliśmy się porzucić przetarte przez Pixelmon szlaki i postawić na innowacyjność! Czeka Cię u nas widowiskowa walka w czasie rzeczywistym, ogromna mapa

Players: 1 / 500
Version: Velocity 1.7.2-1.20.4
Project Zearth Minecraft Server Icon
Project Zearth

The Project Zearth Team is working on v.15, which introduces the new regions of modern Prixton and desert Santoria, with many new cities and areas to explore. Our goal is to create a healthy community and give members more experience as builders.

Players: 0 / 20
Version: Spigot 1.18.2