March 2021 - Top Minecraft Servers

March 2021 Server Recap

March saw 40,368 votes, server pages had 298,241 views, 382 website clicks, and 513 IP copies! The total number of servers tracked is now 1612, up from 1446 last month.

The top Minecraft servers by votes are:

#1 - LegionMC  - 8015 votes

View LegionMC

LegionMC Server Banner

#2 - ASC Pixelmon  - 3680 votes

View ASC Pixelmon

ASC Pixelmon Server Banner

From the server description:

Explore the vast world of Pokemon in Minecraft! Play normally with your friends and favorite Pokemon or immerse yourself in

Pixelmon Story Mode, Challenge the Battle Tower, defeat boss raids together with your friends, catch some wild Pokemon on safari, collect Legendary. participate in competitive tournaments and be the richest player among the rest with our balanced eco system. With our playtime + pokedex reward rank system to become a Pokemon Master!

#3 - PixelmonCraft  - 2310 votes

View PixelmonCraft

PixelmonCraft Server Banner

From the server description:

PixelmonCraft Pixelmon Reforged Minecraft Server

Are you a fan of Minecraft? Are you a fan of Pokemon? Then you are in the right place! Pixelmoncraft combines the two and on our player friendly server you can catch pokemon, compete with friends, find boss pokemon to conquer, challenge gym leaders and earn badges, train and improve your pokemon, buy and sell items in our online auction, trade pokemon with each other and explore our Pixelmon Servers.

Visit our website on

#4 - DualZ  - 1599 votes

View DualZ

From the server description:

Beste Nederlandse Community-server!

#5 - Rebirth of Balkan Network  - 1522 votes

View Rebirth of Balkan Network

Rebirth of Balkan Network Server Banner

From the server description:

Rebirth Of Balkan - Network

Since 2011

IP Servera:

Verzija: 1.8.x-1.16.5